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Monday, September 20, 2010

How to powercycle your networking devices

  1. Powercycle your modem and wireless router (unplug the power cords of both devices from the electric outlet, then replug).
  2. Restart your computer.
  3. Connect to the wireless network. 
  4. Test browse; check if you can access the Internet.

How to check Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) settings

  1. Go to Start > Control Panel > Network Connections. Right click Wireless network connection, then click Properties. The Wireless network connection properties window should open.
  2. In the Wireless network connection properties window, click to highlight Internet Protocol (TCP/IP), then click Properties.
  3. In the Internet Protocol properties window, the default settings should be Obtain an IP address automatically and Obtain DNS server address automatically. If there are assigned IP addresses for these options, try setting it to automatic, then click OK. **Note: Assigned IP/server addresses may be dependent on your Internet Service Provider (ISP) - example: Comcast, Time Warner Cable, etc.
  4. Connect to the wireless network.
  5. Test browse; check if you can access the Internet.

How to disable Security firewall

1. Disable any security firewall in your computer.

**At times, firewalls may limit or even block Internet access. For some security softwares like Norton, you may set the time as to how long you want the firewall to be disabled. It'll then re-enable after the set time. You may restart your computer after disabling the firewall. If you are then able to get online, you may re-enable your security firewall. For further assistance on disabling your Security firewall, contact your Security firewall manufacturer.

2. Test browse. Check if the Internet can now be accessed.

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